City LOOV is ON Apple Store
Telecom Ecole de Management & Telecom Sud Paris (Institut Mines Telecom)
Mots-clés : LOOV , 3D , 5Plus City Forum , Le Printemps du Numérique
The concept of City LOOV and Country LOOV are ON since the 5Plus City Forum organised by Serge PILICER on March 2013.
Along with Marius Preda, Veronica Scurtu and Traian Lavric we have developped further the easyness of the City LOOV application, both teams part of the Institut Mines Telecom in Evry (TEM & TSP).
Enjoy of the LOOV experience by downloading CityLOOV into the Apple Store and scan the images hereunder and you will earn LOOV virtual currency...
Then check in any Serge PILICER worldwide event (5Plus City Forum, Le Printemps du Numérique, Les Assises du Numérique, RuralTIC etc.) to earn more LOOV and redem them into our selection of fresh products :-)
Cheers and with lots of LOOV,
Just scan one of these 2 pictures to earn many LOOV... imagine how easy it to leverage virtual reality indoor (CityLOOV) or outdoor (CountryLOOV) in order to improve cityzens life...
Transactions made easier than ever, discovering new milestones as a tourist etc... new joy as a client etc.
le 29.04.13 à 20:01
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